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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Photoshop Interface

   Now you have a small idea about Photoshop. (If you don't read the article About Photoshop). In this tutorial I will give you a general overview about Photoshop interface. Older virsions are little bit different with this but not much. I have named the tabs. I will describe those for you.

Menu Bar

This is a very familiar one for you. You have seen this in many softwares. You can see this in the top of the Photoshop desktop. This includes several drop down menus.
The main Commands of those menus are given below.
File          :   New, open, save, print,
Edit         :  Undo, forward, cut, copy, past, transform, define pattern, preferences
Undo, cut, copy, past are well known commands.
Transform menu contains some valuable commands. The commands are - Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective, Warp, Flip horizontal, Flip vertical. The most important thing is you should try these commands yourself. It may give you some experience.

Note: Remember to press enter or double click on the image after your transformation to make the changes apply.
Define pattern also an important command. I will tell you about this command in future. Because it is little bit advance for a beginner.
Preferences menu also very useful.

The following commands contains a lot of important commands. I will describe these to you trough activities.
Image      : Mode, Adjustments, Image size, Image rotation, Duplicate
Duplicate command is used to get duplicates of the file.
Layer      : To make adjustments to the layers
Select      : Select, Deselect, Select inverse and Transform Selection commands
Filter       : To apply filters to layers
View       : Zoom In, Zoom Out, Fit On Screen and Actual Pixels
Window  : To show/hide Photoshop palettes
Help        : Photoshop Help option

Options Bar

Options bar is located under the menu bar. This bar contains the options according to the current selected tool. You can select another tool and then you will see the options are changing according to the selected tool.
Recommendation: Select the Move tool from the tool box and put the ticks on auto select layer option and show transform controls option located in the options bar. Now you will able to see a border around the selected layer.

Tool Box
This is the most important part in Photoshop. These are the tools that we use to work on Photoshop. You can see this tool box on the left side of the screen and you can change its position at anytime. When we select tools from the tool box the options bar will change as I mentioned before. 

Palettes tab also an useful because the windows that you open are appear there. Specially the layers window.
Note: If you want to get any palette simply go to Window menu to get it. You can see a tick in front of the palette names that are shown in your desktop.
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