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Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Add a Glow - Part 2 | Layer Styles

This is the second part of  "How to Add a Glow" tutorial. Previously I've written some posts about Layer Styles Including Inner Glow. If you haven't read them yet,
Outer Glow is another Layer Style which allows to add a color or gradient around an object.

Open a new document. (Select the "Background Content" as White)
Get a new layer. We'll name it as "Layer 1"
Go to Rectangular Marquee Tool and draw a Square.
Fill it with a color.
Select "Layer 1"
Go to Layer Styles icon and select Outer Glow.

Rest goes same with the Inner Glow.
Set the Blend Mode as "Normal".
Now try to change the color, Distance and Size of the Outer Glow.
You can add a dotted effect by increasing the Noise value.
You can add a Gradient instead of a single color.
Now click on the Gradient color bar to change colors.

If you like you can use a preset or you can make your own.
You can adjust the Glow colors by clicking the No. 2 color boxes and the opacity by clicking the No.1 color boxes.
Click on the area which I have marked yellow to add new color boxes.
That's all! now try to add a Inner Glow for different objects like images..etc.
Hit the Save button if you need to save it as a preset.

Try different values for these options.

After that try to add an Outer Glow for a text.

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