Pen tool is a popular tool in all graphic designing softwares. Because it is the only tool that can draw custom shapes. You can see another four options with the pen tool. They are very useful to edit the object which you have drawn. The It is used to draw custom shapes on a image or a file. In the pen tools palette there are five different options. They are,
- Pen Tool
- Freedom Pen Tool
- Add Anchor Point Tool
- Delete Anchor Point Tool
- Convert Point Tool
There are few more things to know before start using the pen tool.
Anchor point
What is an anchor point? This is a problem that a lot of beginners have. Anchor points are so important to draw custom shapes. When you draw a shape using pen tool you can see some points (dots) where you click the mouse. Those are called anchor points. Actually they are useful to draw a curve.
All the options in the pen tools palette is used to edit these anchor points.
Pen tool is little bit difficult to use for the beginners. There are few steps to know....
Drawing a line
-Select Pen tool.
-Click on the start of the line.
-Click on the end of the line.
Drawing a Curve
-Select Pen tool.
-Click on the start of the curve.
-Click and hold on the end of the curve.
-Drag the mouse.
Now you can see it starts to curve and a curving handle is coming out from the anchor point.
-Stop dragging when it curved as much as you want.
How to add/delete an anchor point
First draw any shape using the pen tool. Now select the 'Add anchor point' tool. Then click on the curve. That's it. You have successfully added an anchor point to the curve. Now select the 'Delete anchor point' tool. Click on the added anchor point. It will disappear.
Convert point tool
First draw a curve and add an anchor point to it. Now select the 'Convert point tool'. Click on the anchor point and drag. You will able to see two curving handles coming out of the anchor point. Now release the mouse. Now you can edit each handle separately....
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