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Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Add a Glow - Part 2 | Layer Styles

This is the second part of  "How to Add a Glow" tutorial. Previously I've written some posts about Layer Styles Including Inner Glow. If you haven't read them yet,
Outer Glow is another Layer Style which allows to add a color or gradient around an object.

Friday, January 27, 2012

How to Add a Glow - Part 1 | Layer Styles

Glow effect is another option that we can see among Layer Styles. There are two Glow options called Inner Glow and Outer Glow. We'll see the both glow effects one by one. I will tell you about the Inner Glow from this post. Before that if you did not read the first tutorial of  Layer Styles (How to Add a Drop Shadow) click here to read it. It will help you to understand basic things about Layer Styles. Now we'll move on to the Inner Glow.

Inner Glow
Open a new document using your appropriate settings.
Go to the type tool and type anything you like.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to add a drop shadow | Layer Styles

    This is the beginning of the Layer Styles section. First I've selected the "Drop Shadow" tool. "Drop shadow" is a Layer Style that you can see under the "Layer Styles". You can have a little idea about the drop shadow tool by looking at the image above. 
First of all we should know what Layer Styles are.

To open Layer Styles,
- Open Layers tab.
- At the bottom of the layers tab there are 7 icons.
- Second icon (Layer Styles icon) contains Layer Styles.


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