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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How to Add a Bloom Effect to an Image

Today's subject will be about the bloom effect. It's simple but very effective in enhancing the colours of your images. Bloom effect also increases the liveliness of an image by giving it a colourful brightness. This effect can reduce the dullness of the image to a great extent.Simply put, this effect can add a bit of a bloom to your pictures.


Ok let's start.

Step 1

  • Open Adobe Photoshop and go to File--> Open
  • Select the image file you need to add the bloom effect

Step 2

  • Right click on the later and select "Duplicate Layer"

Step 3

  • Select the duplicate layer and go to Filter--> Blur--> Gaussian Blur
  • Give a radius in pixels as your desire. Do not forget to check the "Preview". So you can see what is happening while you adjusting the radius.
  • Press OK.

Step 4

  • Again select the duplicate layer and set the layer mode as "Overlay"
  • That's all you have to do. Now you may see the amazing change of your image.
  • To save it go to File--> Save As
  • Give a name and select the File Type as JPEG
The final image will be like this.

Watch Video about How to Add a Bloom Effect

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